The Huey Story

Flying Hueys in Vietnam
Rollie Colby

Getting a Huey to be put on display next to the Cabin got started in 2016. At the time, I think I was the only Vietnam Huey pilot in the Osseo American Legion and VFW; in fact the only Vietnam Huey crewmember.

As there were a LOT of Hueys in Vietnam, most of the Vietnam veterans have flown in the Huey. The Huey being restored flew with the 173rd Assault Helicopter Company, the Robinhoods.

I flew with the 121st Assault Helicopter Company, the Soc Trang Tigers.

Here's a few of my Vietnam photos from my first tour, Jan 1967 thru Jan 1968.

WO1 Rollie Colby Beside a Blue Tiger Huey
In Flight as the Aircraft Commander
Usually Flew in Formation for Combat Assaults
The Crew of the Incredible Hulk
Story Add-Ons